Garcia said “We were great for seconds on end.” I was lucky to see Jerry play for about 1,000,000 seconds exactly. Thanks for your 1,000,000 views here . Dave Davis wrote this blog for 500 posts and 5 years from 2015 to 2019. Contact me at twitter @gratefulseconds

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Two Double Reverse Ax Handles in Boston and Cedar Rapids with Eyes of the World and Samson & Delilah

These are two unique versions of two songs we all love. Many people think the 1977 version of the Grateful Dead truly extended all the way to the February 5, 1978, and reemerged in April with the new 1978 style.

On that February 5 tour closing show, the band opened set two as it often did with Samson & Delilah (after Bobby's lumberjack joke).

However when the lyrics start about 100 seconds in, no Bobby is to be found and Jerry and Donna para shoot out of them as the band launches into a full instrumental version of the tune until nearly the 5:00 mark when Bobby gives out his best Ric Flair woooo and the Dead double down with another full version of the song complete with lyrics.  Break another string sometime Weir.

Might have been mic problem but I prefer the Bobby string story (although Buzz says he hears Bobby the while time). Mind Wondrin is rarely wrong

At my first show in Boston's East Coast tour opened on June 9, 1976, my second set experience had some Dead creativity. After the first St Stephen since Halloween 1971, the answer to the answer man is Eyes of the World. But again this is no normal Eyes of the World.

For the first eight minutes, it is all instrumental. It is nearly a reverse version with the chord changes that highlight many a 1973 and 1974 version. Jeff Mattson in the Taping Compendium writes:

"We wondered if they had forgotten that they hadn't played the song yet, They seemed to be having so much fun playing again"  At the 8:12 mark, Jerry finally startes singing and they continue another nine minutes before introducing the East Coast to the weather-less Let It Grow.

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