Garcia said “We were great for seconds on end.” I was lucky to see Jerry play for about 1,000,000 seconds exactly. Thanks for your 1,000,000 views here . Dave Davis wrote this blog for 500 posts and 5 years from 2015 to 2019. Contact me at twitter @gratefulseconds

Thursday, March 16, 2017

22 Years Into The Past, Fans Ask for 31 Shows, Grateful Dead Say Yes To 19 Including 4 Betty Boards

I happen to own every single Deadbase, except for the first one.  As I scan the various editions, I find interesting gems to discuss. Today let's discuss Deadbase IX and their poll for fan's choice for Dick's Picks 3.  We all know that Dick's Pick's 3 was the super fine unbelievable mind blowing one in a lifetime Pembroke Pines May 22, 1977, but did you know in the days leading to the pick, not one Deadbase deadhead (or super uber insider fan) picked this show. It's because 22 years ago the band could still reach into the vault and find a show under the radar (especially if it was in the South where information did not flow on the NYC <-> Left Coast pipeline.

But this got be to thinking even more. Looking at these suggestions, I wondered "How Much has the Dead listened to their fans" And the answer is quite a bit. We will consider Deadbase 9's top-31 and the Grateful Dead Clubhouse Top-31.

These two 31 lists below are a good starting point if you like to see what might be coming down the pipeline, especially with the addition of 80 new shows.  My Next piece will discuss what Dave and Rhino might do over the next 22 years to come, ironically the same time frame I am studying here

Exactly 22 Years Ago, Dick's Picks v 3 Suggestions in Deadbase IX 1995 based on 4+ picks which equals to 31 magic suggestions. Let's see what happened to the 31 top suggestions; 19 shows have been released. In addition, even though Betty Boards went not known as such in 1995, four shows released were the 31 listed are Betty's, the Field Trip in 1972, Cornell (patience I know), Closing of Winterland, Buffalo (soon).  A few had a song or two released as well, and 2-13-71 I counted as yes since Dick's Picks 4 has those 3 songs that last about 2 years.  I believe the main reason that the Betty Board count is so low, is that in 95 people just didn't know, just like they didn't know about 5-22-77.

1972-08-27    2013 Sunshine Daydream  
1977-05-08    2017 Get Shown The Light
1970-05-02    1997 Dick's Picks 8
1970-02-13    1996 Dick's Picks 4 (4 songs) but its Dark Star>That's It for The Other One>Lovelight
1973-02-09     No
1974-06-18    2009 Road Trips 2.3
1969-03-01    2005 Complete Fillmore West
1971-04-29    2000 Ladies and Gentleman...
1973-06-10     No   with Allmans  (1 Song on Postcards From The Hanging)
1978-12-31    2003 The Closing of Winterland
1970-02-11     No
1974-06-28    1998 Dick's Pick 12
1989-10-16    2001 Nightfall of Diamonds
1990-03-26    2012 Spring '90 (6 songs on Dozin from the Knick 1996)
1974-10-18    No (1 Song on Grateful Dead Movie Soundtrack)
1970-02-14    1996 Dick's Picks 4
1970-06-24     No
1970-11-08     No
1973-05-26     No
1977-02-26     No
1977-05-09     2017 Get Shown The Light
1989-10-09     2010 Formerly the Warlocks
1990-09-20     2008 Road Trips 2.1 (10 songs)
1968-02-14     2009 Road Trips 2.2
1971-02-18     No (1 song So Many Roads)
1973-02-15     No
1974-05-19     No
1974-08-06     2004 Dick's Picks 31
1979-10-27     2015 30 Trips Around The Sun
1990-03-24     2012 Spring '90 (13 songs on Dozin from the Knick 1996, 1 on Postcards)

What is interesting is that we have no Dave's Picks from this list (although we have specific releases of a whole lot of these by Dave).

Since I have all volumes 2-11, 50, 1988-1993 but no Deadbase One can some one give me that one for a fair $?

No Dave's Picks from this list :)

Another list of 31 worth considering is the famous Grateful Dead Clubhouse top-31 jam segments circa 2009 Note is the place to go to check exactly which shows have been released.  Wikipedia is also extremely helpful for something like a Road Trips which might have songs for 5 or more shows .

While the Clubhouse Top-31 didn't predict future releases, it is a back check or proxy for how much of the grate stuff is being or has been officially released unlike the Deadbase IX survey which is a future wishlist from those invested enough to get incvolved with John and Mike and Stu and the fabulous Deadbase crew.   The band has released 18 of these 31. So their are some gems on this list

10/12/68:   No
3/2/69:      2005 Fillmore West Complete Recordings
11/8/69:    2000  Dick's Picks 16
2/13/70:    1996  Dick's Picks 4
9/19/70:     No
11/6/70:     No
2/18/71:     No  (one song)
4/29/71:     2000 Ladies and Gentleman
8/14/71:     No (one song)
12/10/71:   No
4/14/72:     2011 Europe'72
5/11/72:     2011 Europe'72
5/26/72:     2011 Europe'72
10/18/72:    No
3/24/73:      No
3/31/73:      No
6/22/73:      No
10/25/73:     No
11/11/73:     2008 Winterland 1973
11/20/73:     2011 Road Trips 4.3
11/21/73:     2011 Road Trips 4.3
5/19/74:        No
6/23/74:       1999 So Many Roads (Dark Star is partial)
6/28/74:       1998 Dick's Picks 12
10/17/74:     2005 Grateful Dead Movie Soundtrack
7/17/76:       2016 Dave's Picks 18  (First Dave's Picks on this page)
10/3/76:       2015 30 Trips Around The Sun 
12/31/76:     2006 Live At The Cow Palace
5/28/77:       2009 To Terrapin
11/20/78:     No
10/27/79:     2015 30 Trips Around The Sun 

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